Updates and Improvements to the SmileMe.In Portal – 11/16/20

The following features and improvements have been applied to SmileMe.In Portal:

  1. New Temperature Report
  2. Ability to export Temperature Report Ex, in PDF or Excel format
  3. Additional Temperature Settings that can be set by the Admin from the General Settings page:
    • Ability for Admin(s) to define the temperature value that High Temperature alerts get send based on (default is 100.4 °F)
    • Admin(s) can enable/disable the “Send temp alerts” toggle, which controls whether high temperature alerts gets sent or not
  4. Enhancement to the Import Users functionality

SmileMe.In new Features and Improvements – 11/08/2020

The following features and improvements have been applied to SmileMe.In Portal:

  1. Total daily scans count is now visible on the Dashboard for Admin and Temp log manager (“Today’s Scans” tile)
  2. Reference ID field has been added to the User pages (for new and existing users)
  3. Ability to Delete Payment details is now supported (Manage Subscription page)
  4. Admins can delete images from Unrecognized Users page 
  5. Send Credentials feature in the Portal that allows Admin(s) to send a user his/her Account Number and Passcode 
  6. Ability to view temperature records as Pass or Fail (instead of temperature values) based on “Failure Value” defined by the Admin. This feature can be enabled by the Admin from the General settings page
  7. Additional filter options added to Reports
  8. Enhancement to the link feature in Temperature Log page 
  9. Enhancement to the Photos Gallery display in the portal 
  10. Enhancement to the Province field for Canadian addresses
  11. General UI enhancements 
  12. Enhancement to the Temperature alert email