SmileMe.In New Features and Improvements – 08/23/2022

The following features and improvements have been made to the SmileMe.In Portal: 

  1. Performance improvements and bug fixes. 
  1. New “Users Skills” option in “Users” tab:
    To add skills that can be assigned to users in the timesheet. 

  1. In “Time Tracking” tab: 
  • Administrators can assign skills to each employee, add a total duration of the employee’s work period, or enter specific start and end times. 
  • New Productivity tab: Administrators and managers can track the productivity of employees in projects and download all their timesheet records in excel or a PDF form within a specified date range.  
  1. “Audit Logs” tab:  

Any changes or updates made by administrators on users, attendance or timesheet are now recorded under the Audit logs tab. 

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