Thermal kiosk Software Update Version Q2.0.93

A new version (Q2.0.93) of the app is now available on your Thermal Kiosk.
This version will automatically show up as an available update on the settings screen of the Measurer app on your device.

Follow the instructions listed in this tutorial link on how to upgrade the software version on your device.
After installing the new version you may need to restart the thermal tablet by pressing on the power button located at the top left corner of the device.

Here is the list of improvements & changes

  • Improvement to the app stability & performance (address the issue of app shutdown)
  • Visual indicator for answer registered (Questionnaire pad):

  • Skip option for Health Questionnaire:
    For customers using the touchless questionnaire pad version of the device, there is now the ability to “Skip” answering the Health Questionnaire, by waving over the “No” pad.
    This gives the option to bypass the health questions and go straight to taking a temperature scan

SmileMe.In New Features & Improvements – 04/14/21

The following features and improvements have been made:

  1. Send your feedback with a request to be contacted:
    – Click on the feedback link (on the top right corner of thee portal) to submit your feedback
    – Selecting the “Contact me” option when submitting feedback from the portal lets us know that you would like to be contacted by one of our Customer Support team members to help address the feedback provided
    – A confirmation email will be sent upon feedback submission

  2. Health Questions Notifications (when using the Contactless Questionnaire Pad):
    – Ability to receive alerts when a person being scanned answers ‘Yes’ to one or more of the Health questions
    – This settings can be enabled/disabled from the General Settings page in the Portal

  3. Enhancement to Import User feature:
    Import Users feature has been enhanced so that the import process automatically creates new location(s)/room(s)/department(s) if the Location/Room/Department value specified in the import template sheet is not already created in the system

  4. Deleting associated answers with temperature scan:
    For temperature scans that have answers associated (by using the contactless questionnaire pad), deleting a record from Temperature Management page will delete the temperature scan with the associated Health questions’ answers

  5. General UI enhancements to the Portal