SmileMe.In New Features and Improvements – 06/24/2021

The following features and improvements have been made to the SmileMe.In Portal:

  1. In Education business type:
    • User Types “Child, Children” are now renamed to “Student, Students”
    • Admin can now add an Email and Phone number to Students while adding them as new users or in Edit user mode
  2. Manage Subscription is now available only under the Subscription section for better User experience

  3. “General Settings” page renamed to Settings
  4. Settings Section is now divided into sub sections for a better User Experience. With the new design, you can expand or collapse the desired settings, apply the required changes then Save it

  5. Add a new report that can help with contact tracing. Now you can use the “Scans Report” to view and download the list of scans taken by users at a certain time and location.
    Ability to filter the results by the type of User “Employee, Student, Visitor”, you also can filter by the device room

  6. Present Users Report under the Safety Section will be labeled with Today’s date
  7. Enhancement to the User interface of Test Facial Recognition feature:
    This feature helps with troubleshooting facial recognition issues.
    Now, you can test facial recognition accuracy for a taken image (image in a scan, or user training image,..) by hovering your mouse on top of the image and clicking on the “Test Facial Recognition” button

SmileMe.In New Features and Improvements – 06/11/21

The following features & improvements have been made to the SmileMe.In portal:

  1. Admin can enable/disable Automatic Identification via Facial Recognition for certain locations as per business needs from the Edit Location section as shown below,

  2. Admin can set-up notifications to detect the presence or absence of face mask.
    You may enable notifications in case of detecting a face mask or not for scanned individuals from “General Settings” page under Health & Safety Settings.
    • ** Using a face mask will prevent successful identification via facial recognition. You may want to use RFID identification with face mask detection to get the full experience.
  3. Admin can set-up alerts for Health Questions’ Answers.
    You may enable notifications when one or more Health Questions answered with “Yes” or “No”, based on your preference.

  4. Test Facial Recognition updated so that to clear description of testing process for better user experience.

  5. Admin can edit payment info from the Subscription Section under Settings, by simply clicking on the edit icon, updating the info then click on Save.

  6. Education Service Type:
    • When admins are entering attendance records on behalf of guardians, now they will be able to specify the Guardian name in both single and bulk updates.
    • The ability to make the Gender field optional (contact support to request this feature to be enabled on your account)
    • Employees lunch orders are now displayed in the lunch reports in the portal.
  7. Portal Users can rate their experience by clicking on the Feedback link, write their feedback then set the rating and submit.
  8. Portal users can dismiss any displayed banners
  9. Total number of users in the account no longer include users under who are Pending Approval (added via online self-enrollment)
  10. Enhancements to the confirmation messages displayed to the admin when paying for next cycle or renewing the expired cycle
  11. UI Enhancements to the general settings page

SmileMe.In New Features and Improvements – 05/20/2021

The following features & improvements have been made to the SmileMe.In Portal:

  1. Custom Attendance Report:
    • Ability to customize an attendance report to display the data needed
    • Select which columns to include/exclude from the Custom Attendance report, then click “Apply”
    • Ability to export the report

  2. Bulk Delete Users:
    • Ability to bulk delete users. This can be done by navigating to Manage Users page (under “Users” menu)
    • Admin can execute a bulk delete by selecting targeted users then click Delete

  3. Safety feature:
    • Admins can quickly view present Users directly from the Safety page as shown in screenshot below
    • Also, the ability to set filter to view user that are not present

  4. Enhancement to “All Users” page:
    • Count of users (grouped by user type) is now displayed next to each tab in All Users page

  5. Test Facial Recognition feature:
    • This feature provides better insight to Admins on the facial recognition aspect. The icon is displayed above photos in Temp Log, Temp Management pages and also in “User Images” pop-up
    • Click on the “Test Recognition” icon located above the image to test how well the system recognizes the user in the photo
    • This will help Admins asses which user needs to add additional training images to improve recognition
    • Click on “Improve Recognition” button (displayed on Test Recognition pop-up for identified users) to add that image as a training image to improve that user’s recognition for future scans

  6. Enhancement to Temperature Log and Temperature reports:
    • Scans for unidentified users (users that were not identified by Face Recognition nor by RFID) will show up as “Unidentified” in Temp Log, Temp Management and General Report

  7. Enhancement to Manager role (Workplace Facility type):
    • When Managers log into the portal, they can view their Employees assigned to their department.
    • Manager can view their Employees’ info (Temperature reports, Attendance reports) and manage their attendance

  8. Enhancement to Devices page:
    • Admin can view the status of the Paired device from the Devices section as shown below

  9. Manage Visitors Attendance:
    • Admin now has the ability to manage Visitor’s attendance (Add/Edit/Delete or Update attendance)

  10. Sports Facility type:
    1. “Other” membership type:
      Membership type “Other” is now an option to set in Create/Edit Members Children page, and also in Import Members
    2. Approve/Reject Enrollment requests:
      Admin can now approve or reject users’ enrollment requests from the Pending Approval Section under “All Users”

  11. Health Questions Settings:
    • Health Questions Settings is now displayed in separated section in General Settings page

  12. Miscellaneous Improvements:
    • Search by Name added to Temperature Log and Health Questions page
    • The Email used to register your account (displayed under General Settings) is now renamed to Billing Email and it can be updated from the same section
    • Enhancement to the display of the inactive and deleted users in All users page
    • Enhancement to the un-pairing process of GO handheld device
    • Enhancements to system emails
    • Admin can view the analytics for Users’ count from the Subscription section under Manage Subscription as shown below:

Thermal kiosk Software Update Version Q2.0.93

A new version (Q2.0.93) of the app is now available on your Thermal Kiosk.
This version will automatically show up as an available update on the settings screen of the Measurer app on your device.

Follow the instructions listed in this tutorial link on how to upgrade the software version on your device.
After installing the new version you may need to restart the thermal tablet by pressing on the power button located at the top left corner of the device.

Here is the list of improvements & changes

  • Improvement to the app stability & performance (address the issue of app shutdown)
  • Visual indicator for answer registered (Questionnaire pad):

  • Skip option for Health Questionnaire:
    For customers using the touchless questionnaire pad version of the device, there is now the ability to “Skip” answering the Health Questionnaire, by waving over the “No” pad.
    This gives the option to bypass the health questions and go straight to taking a temperature scan

SmileMe.In New Features & Improvements – 04/14/21

The following features and improvements have been made:

  1. Send your feedback with a request to be contacted:
    – Click on the feedback link (on the top right corner of thee portal) to submit your feedback
    – Selecting the “Contact me” option when submitting feedback from the portal lets us know that you would like to be contacted by one of our Customer Support team members to help address the feedback provided
    – A confirmation email will be sent upon feedback submission

  2. Health Questions Notifications (when using the Contactless Questionnaire Pad):
    – Ability to receive alerts when a person being scanned answers ‘Yes’ to one or more of the Health questions
    – This settings can be enabled/disabled from the General Settings page in the Portal

  3. Enhancement to Import User feature:
    Import Users feature has been enhanced so that the import process automatically creates new location(s)/room(s)/department(s) if the Location/Room/Department value specified in the import template sheet is not already created in the system

  4. Deleting associated answers with temperature scan:
    For temperature scans that have answers associated (by using the contactless questionnaire pad), deleting a record from Temperature Management page will delete the temperature scan with the associated Health questions’ answers

  5. General UI enhancements to the Portal

Thermal kiosk Software Update Version Q2.0.90

A new version (V Q2.0.90) is now available for the Thermal Kiosk.
This version will automatically show up as an available update on the settings screen of the Measurer app on your device.

Follow the instructions listed in this tutorial link on how to upgrade the software version on your device.
After installing the new version you may need to restart the thermal tablet by pressing on the power button located at the top left corner of the device.

Here is the list of improvements & changes

  • Improvement to app stability & performance
  • Improvement to the process of answering questions using the Thermal Scanner health questionnaire pad (applies to models with answering pad only)

SmileMe.In New Features and Improvements – 03/25/21

The following features and improvements have been made to the SmileMe.In Portal:

  1. Notifications feature:
    – Ability to view FaceGraph announcements from the Portal
    – Announcement will be displayed under the notifications icon on the top right corner of the Portal
    – Click on the bell icon to view notification details

  2. Subscription related enhancements:
    – Ability to view number of users in your account from the Subscription Settings page
    – Ability to permanently delete users even while account subscription is expired, so you can renew your account subscription based on the adjusted user count
    – Enhancement to the Subscription reminder email, to alert customers 5 days prior to subscription expiration (this is in the case auto-renewal option is not enabled)

  3. Acceptable Facial Recognition Accuracy:
    – Ability to specify the acceptable accuracy percentage for facial recognition
    – This is done by modifying the value in General Settings page
    – The recommendation (and default) is set to 69%
    – Decreasing the percentage allows the system to identify users (who are face trained) with a lower recognition confidence

  4. Ability to export the Employee Monthly Attendance Report, in PDF or Excel format

SmileMe.In New Features and Improvements – 3/09/21

The following changes have been made to the SmileMe.In portal:

  1. Health Questions
    – Detailed answers are now available in the Health Questions report, for both identified and unidentified Users
    – Answers from scans made in that day are grouped by each user
    – Ability to export the Health Questions report in PDF or Excel format

  2. New banner added under Temperature Settings on General Settings page, to clarify the impact of changes made to High Temperature Alert value

  3. For devices with a long name (longer than 19 characters), the Device name will trail off in Temperature reports as shown below

  4. Enhancements to the Feedback feature, to allow for longer text

  5. General enhancements to the interface of the portal and reports

How to Upgrade your Account Subscription

Subscription upgrades can be done from the Portal by going to Manage Subscription page then updating your subscription as follows:

  1.  Login to the portal then click Subscription  Settings from the side menu
  2. Add Payment Details (Credit Card that will be used to process the upgrade)
  3. Click Update Subscription button
  4. Select the desired Tier from the Tier drop down > click Submit button

  5. All set! The upgrade will take effect on your upcoming billing cycle

If you have any questions, or need the upgrade to be effective immediately, please contact support at

How to access the Log file on your 10.2″ Thermal Scanner

  1. Plug in a USB mouse and USB stick to your Thermal Scanner
  2. Click on File Manager located on the device desktop
  3. Click Local Memory > eHanshin folder
  4. EventLog is the log file needed
  5. Do a long left click on EventLog file to see the Copy action
  6. Click Copy, then right click to navigate up in the directory till you reach the USB drive
  7. Click to open USB folder, then do a long left click to see the Paste action
  8. Once inside the USB folder, click Paste
  9. All set! the log file should now be copied onto the USB drive